Music By Idiots


New single “Brutal Youth” out February 5th.

All Ages have a crime, as future will hit, I’ll slowly decline, wake brutal youth, before the world passes you by”

An ode to youth, the current one, the one you left and the one that carries a potential hope for a better world, but also the place in life where you are always under fire and fighting the impossible battle.

Everything fades, In blood that runs from your brow and that was you, and that was me,and that was us……….”

“Brutal Youth” is our second version, with english lyrics and new string arrangement. The track is from our recordings at Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorie 2023-2024.

With us, we had the idea of making as simple a recording as possible, where all basic tracks were laid down exclusively with the help of vocals, drums and keys. An attempt to capture the intuitive in the interplay, and further develop the dynamics and drama of the composition.

“Brutal Youth”  is a new interpretation of “Brutal Ungdom(borderlinien)”, which was one of the more rocking tracks on our debut record “Tiden Lyver”(2022).

String arrangements by Ida Duelund and Nils Gröndahl

Produced by Kristian Alexander and Anders Rex, CPH, 2025

New single “Brutal Ungdom”will be released 10 feb.

New Music By Idiots single out 10th of February. “Brutal Ungdom”. Featuring Ida Duelund on lush strings.

Produced by kristian Alexander and Anders Rex

“Gospel of Querelle” debut on The Danish National Radio DR.

We are so proud to announce that the song had its debut on the Danish National Radio station DR, P2 (the classical music program) and especially that it was getting played just after Philip Glass and before Bach. Thanks to Katrine Ring for that chance.

Listen to the program here:

Landing page for “Gospel of Querelle”

“Gospel of Querelle”

Our new single “Gospel of Querelle” will be released 3. Nov 2023 on all digital platforms.

We are so grateful that this little dark star, finally will see the day of light – believe us – there were some obstacles on the way.

The song is directly inspired by the novel “Querelle of Brest” by Jean Genet and the Fassbinder movie “Querelle” Its all about a young handsome sailor who is drawn into a vortex of sibling rivalry, crime, murder and explosive sexuality. Each man kills the thing he loves. Stay tuned

Visual concept: Tobias Elmsdal and Anders Rex

Release koncert på vores debut album “Tiden Lyver”

Kom, kom, kom på BasementCph den 27.10.22.

Vi holder vores release fest og koncert på BasementCph. En drøm af en aften, med koncerter af Ida Duelund, Mavourneen og Music By Idiots (med gæster). Vores vinyl vil kunne købes på aftenen, desuden har vi ny fin T- shirt til salg. Dørene åbner kl 20. Der er fri entre.

Music By Idiots on Omega-Listen

Tune ind her og lyt med i en time på Omega Listen –hvor jeg snakker med Stine Omega om hvilken musik der har været med til at danne mig personligt og som musiker – og total thumbs op for Stine og hendes passion/arbejde for musikken – vi talte vist med et hjerte hvad det angår – eller mere præcist vi talte med 2 store hjerter i takt.Sidst i programmet kan du høre et af numrene fra Music By Idiots kommende plade, der jo ellers først kan høres efter release 27/10-22, nummeret hedder “Alle har deres eget helvede, skat”❤️

Music By Idiot (Solo)- The Gospel of Querelle (Live) 22-06-11.

Here’s the opening song at The Nordsoe Live festival in june 2022. It will appear in the Music By Idiots live set. Its inspired by the Fassbinder movie “Querelle” from 1982 , based on the Jean Genet novel “Querelle de Brest” from 1947. Enjoy

Music By Idiots at Frederiksberg Country Club

Music By Idiots at Frederiksberg Country Club

Copenhagen 12-03-22

Such a great great evening, tickets were sold out, the house were packed, and we played our very best, which is quite good. Thanks to all who choose to come by. Hers a little gallery, with photos by Jens Raadal and Sofie Jekel – it was a night with loads of flowers and colours.